- American Philosophical Quarterly
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie
- European Journal of Philosophy
- Journal of Philosophy
- Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Kant Studien
- Metaphilosophy
- Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Philosophy Compass
- Radical Philosophy
- The Monist
- The Personalist
- The Philosophical Quarterly
- The Southern Journal of Philosophy
- Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie
- Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung
- Acta Analytica
- Analysis
- Dialectica
- Erkenntnis
- Grazer Philosophische Studien
- Mind
- Noûs
- Philosophical Review
- Philosophical Studies
- Ratio: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy
- Synthese
- The Review of Metaphysics
- Theoria
- Thought
- Utilitas
- Ancient Philosophy
- APEIRON: a journal for ancient philosophy and science
- Journal of Ancient Philosophy
- The Classical Quarterly
- Phronesis
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
- Bioethics
- BMC Medical Ethics
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
- Developing World Bioethics
- Disability Studies Quarterly
- Environmental Ethics
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. An International Journal
- Ethik in der Medizin
- Health Care Analysis
- Journal of Clinical Ethics
- Journal of Medical Ethics
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
- Medical Law International
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine
- The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
- The American Journal of Bioethics
- The Hastings Center Report
- The Milbank Quarterly
- Ethics
- Ethical Perspectives
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
- Journal of Applied Philosophy
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of Ethics
- Journal of Moral Philosophy
- Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Havard Human Rights Journal
- Human Rights & Human Welfare
- Human Rights Quarterly
- Human Rights Review
- The International Journal of Human Rights
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- AI and Ethics
- Artificial Intelligence and Law
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- Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
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- Technology in Society
- Baltic Journal of Law & Politics
- Ethics
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- Res Publica
- The Journal of Political Philosophy
- Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Philosophy
- Philosophical Dictionary
- The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Hermann und Marianne Straniak-Stiftung