Bemerkungen zum Begründungstrilemma, Lit Verlag, 2007
Aristoteles über Gerechtigkeit. Das V. Buch der Nikomachischen Ethik, Verlag Karl Alber, 2007
Ethik als Methode, Verlag Karl Alber, 2019
Moralische Orientierung. Eine kurze Philosophie des guten Lebens, Verlag Karl Alber, 2021
Besser Leben! Eine kurze Anleitung zum Glücklichsein, Ebook, 2021
Was ist Philosophie? Eine kleine Einführung, Verlag Karl Alber, 2022
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights Legislation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023
Ethics as a Method, Verlag Karl Alber, 2024
Morality and Justice - An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan 2024
Aristotle on Justice, Elements in Ancient Philosophy (book series), Cambridge University Press (under contract, work in progress)
Bioethics - An Opinionated Introduction, Verlag Karl Alber (work in progress)
Technocratic Governance. A Groundwork (work in progress)
Morality and Justice. Reading Boylan’s A Just Society,
Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Press), Lanham 2009
Clinical Ethics Consultation: Theories and Methods, Implementation, Evaluation,
(Eds. Jan Schildmann, John-Stewart Gordon, Jochen Vollmann), Ashgate Publishing 2010
Global Ethics and Moral Responsibility. Hans Jonas and His Critics (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Holger Burckhart), Routledge 2014
Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues (Eds. Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon, Alison Renteln), Rowman & Littlefield 2014
Clinical Ethics Consultation: Theories and Methods, Implementation, Evaluation, (Eds. Jan Schildmann, John-Stewart Gordon, Jochen Vollmann), Routledge 2016 (second
Human Rights and Disability. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Johann-Christian Pôder, Holger Burckhart), Routledge 2017
Medical Ethics, Prediction, and Prognosis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Eds.
Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio, Francesco Spöring, John-Stewart Gordon), Routledge 2017
Hans Jonas. Zur Diskussion seiner Denkwege (Eds. Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, John-Stewart Gordon), Logos Verlag 2017
Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies. The Future of Legal
Education, Brill 2023
Human Rights in Bioethics, in: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, published online first 04/2012, in print: 15/3, 2012, 281-351
Human Rights and Disability (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Jerome Bickenbach), in: The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 41/4, 2013, 749-828
The Ethics of Ageing, in: Bioethics, 32/4, 2018, 221-268
AI and Law - Ethical, Legal, and Socio-political Implications, in: AI & Society, 36/2, 2021, 403-668
Moral Expertise in (Bio-)Ethics, in: Bioethics, 37/6, 2023, 511-574
Superintelligent Robots (Eds. John-Stewart
Gordon, David Gunkel), in: Philosophical Studies (work in progress)
Die moralischen und rechtlichen Dimensionen der Abtreibungsproblematik, in: Conjectura, 10/2, 2005, 43-62
Justice or Equality?, in: Journal for Business, Economics, and Ethics, 7/2, 2006, 183-201
- Commented: Kirsten Meyer, Relational Equality and Justice, in: Journal for Business, Economics, and Ethics, 7/2, 2006, 202-205
Über Willensfreiheit, in: Conjectura, 12/1, 2007, 59-74
Hedonistic Utilitarianism and The Argument of The Experience Machine, in: Conjectura, 13/1, 2008, 25-36
Applying the Four-Principle Approach (co-authored with: Oliver Rauprich, Jochen Vollmann), in: Bioethics, 25/6, 2011, 293-300
- Commented: Tom Beauchamp, Making Principlism Practical: A Commentary on Gordon, Rauprich, and Vollmann, in: Bioethics, 25/6, 2011, 301-303
Global Ethics and Principlism, in: Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 21/3, 2011, 251-276
Human Rights in Bioethics - Theoretical and Applied, in: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 15/3, 2012, 283-294
Is Inclusive Education a Human Right?, in: The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 41/4, 2013, 754-767
Moral Philosophers are Moral Experts! A Reply to David Archard, in: Bioethics, 28/4, 2014, 203-206
Human Rights and Cultural Identity, in: Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 8/2, 2015, 112-135
Should Moral Enhancement be Compulsory?, in: Ethical Perspectives, 23/2, 2016, 277-305 [pdf]
Reconciling Female Genital Circumcision with Universal Human Rights, in: Developing World Bioethics, 18/3, 2018, 222-232 [access SharedIt]
Indignity and Old Age, in: Bioethics, 32/4, 2018, 223-232 [access SharedIt]
Remarks on Disability Rights Legislation (John-Stewart Gordon, Felice Tavera-Salyutov), in: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. An International Journal, 37/5, 2018, 506-526
What Do We Owe to Intelligent Robots?, in: AI & Society, 35, 2020, 209-223 [access
Building Moral Machines - Ethical Pitfalls and Challenges, in: Science and Engineering Ethics, 26, 2020, 141-157 [access SharedIt]
Artificial Moral and Legal Personhood, in: AI & Society, 36/2, 2021, 457-471 [access
Human Rights for Robots? A Literature Review (John-Stewart Gordon, Aušrinė Pasvenskienė), in: AI and Ethics, 1, 2021, 579-591 [access SharedIt]
Kantianism and the Problem of Child Sex Robots (John-Stewart Gordon, Sven Nyholm), in: Journal of Applied Philosophy, 39/1, 2022, 132-147 (open access)
The African Relational Account of Social Robots: A Step Back?, in: Philosophy & Technology, 35, 2022 (Online first)
Moral Expertise Revisited, in: Bioethics, 37/6, 2023, 533-542
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work (John-Stewart Gordon, David Gunkel), in: AI & Society, 2024 (SharedIt)
Showler's Pragmatic Approach to Moral Status, in: Philosophy & Technology, 37, 2024, article number 69
Abortion, in: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
published online June 2008
Bioethics, in: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
published online November 2012
Human Rights,
in: Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy (Ed. Duncan Pritchard), published online 2013, up-dated 10/2016, up-dated 10/2023
Moral, Rationalität und gelungenes Leben (Elif Özmen), in: Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 4, 2005, 598-602
The Status of The In Vitro Embryo (Der Status des extrakorporalen Embryos, Ed. Giovanni Maio), in: Bioethics, 22/5, 2008, 296-298
50 Voices of Disbelief. Why We Are Atheists (Eds. Russell Blackford, Udo Schüklenk), in: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 15/2, 2012, 271-276
Ageing Between Participation and Simulation (Eds. Joschka Haltaufderheide, Johanna Hovemann and Jochen Vollmann), in: Theoria, 86, 2020, 688-691 [access SharedIt]
Artificial Intelligence: Reflections in
Philosophy, Theology and the Social Sciences (Eds. Benedikt P. Göcke and Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten), in: AI & Society, 36/2, 2021, 655-659
Poverty, Human Rights, and Just Distributions, in: International Public Health Policy and Ethics (Ed. Michael Boylan): Springer 2008, 131-142
On Justice, in: Morality and Justice. Reading Boylan’s A Just Society (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon): Rowman&Littlefield, Lanham 2009, 121-132
Ethics as a Method, in: Clinical Ethics Consultation: Theories and Methods, Implementation, Evaluation (Eds. Jan Schildmannn, John-Stewart Gordon, Jochen Vollmann), Ashgate
Publishing 2010, 11-20, new edition 2016
On Justifying Human Rights, in: The Morality and Global Justice Reader (Ed. Michael Boylan), Westview Press 2011, 27-49
Medical Paternalism and Patient Autonomy, in: Medical Ethics (Ed. Michael Boylan), Wiley-Blackwell 2013, 72-83 [pdf]
Refined Marxism and Moral Enhancement, in: Global Ethics and Moral Responsibility (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Holger Burckhart), Routledge 2014, 185-208
Inclusion - A Moral Imperative, but also Socially Desired? (co-authored with: Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon), in: Global Ethics and Moral Responsibility. Hans Jonas
and His Critics (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Holger Burckhart), Routledge 2014, 93-101
Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Global Bioethics, in: Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues (co-edited with: Wanda Teays, Alison Renteln), Rowman &
Littlefield 2014, 68-91 [pdf]
Tyranneien und gerechte Gesellschaften, in: Kommentarband zu "Michael Walzer: Sphären der Gerechtigkeit. Ein Plädoyer für Pluralität und Gleichheit" (Hrsg. Manuel Knoll), in:
Reihe "Staatsdiskurse", Franz Steiner Verlag 2014, 243-254.
Remarks on A Disability-Conscious Bioethics, in: Human Rights and Disability. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Johann-Christian Pöder, Holger
Burckhart), Routledge 2017, 9-20
On the Nature of the Right not to Know, in: Medical Ethics, Prediction, and Prognosis.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Eds. Mariacarla Gadebusch-Bondio, Francesco Spöring, John-Stewart Gordon), Routledge 2017, 42-54
Hans Jonas' philosophische Denkwege - Ein Schlusswort, in: Hans Jonas. Zur Diskussion seiner Denkwege (Hrsg. Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, John-Stewart Gordon), Logos Verlag 2017,
Ethics and Standardization (co-authored with: Vladislav Fomin), Corporate Standardization Management and Innovation (Ed. Kai Jakobs), IGI Global, Hershay 2019, 177-192
What Do We Owe to Intelligent Robots? (reprint), in: Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon), Brill 2020, 17-47
Ethics (John-Stewart Gordon, Kestutis Mosakas), in: Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies, Brill, 2023, 19-29
Moral and Legal Status of Robots (John-Stewart Gordon, Kestutis Mosakas), in: Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies, Brill, 2023, 154-163
Guidelines for Regulation of Robotics, (John-Stewart Gordon, Kestutis Mosakas), in: Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies, Brill, 2023, 297-300
AI Ethics and Machine Ethics, in: Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (Ed. David Gunkel), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, 97-112
Bemerkungen zur Immoralität von Protestwahlen, in: Rationalität – Freiheit – Verantwortung. Beiträge zur Philosophie Julian Nida-Rümelins (Eds. Martin Rechenauer, Klaus
Staudacher, Niina Zuber und Dorothea Winter), de Gruyter (forthcoming)
Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights, in: Applied Philosophy of AI. A Research Companion (Eds. Regina Müller, Martin Hähnel), Wiley-Blackwell (submitted)
The Social-Relational Approach of Moral Status - A Critique, in: Contemporary Debates in the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (Eds. Sven Nyholm, John Zerilli, and Atoosa
Kasirzadeh), Wiley-Blackwell (submitted)
Introduction (co-authored with: Tanja Kohnen), in: Morality and Justice. Reading Boylan’s A Just Society (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon): Rowman&Littlefield, Lanham 2009, 1-13
Introduction (co-authored with: Jan Schildmann, Jochen Vollmann), in: Clinical Ethics Consultation: Theories and Methods, Implementation, Evaluation (Eds. Jan Schildmannn,
John-Stewart Gordon, Jochen Vollmann), Ashgate Publishing 2010, 1-7, new edition 2016
Editorial (co-authored with: Jerome Bickenbach), in: Human Rights and Disability (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Jerome Bickenbach), in: The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics,
41/4, 2013, 752-753
Introduction (co-authored with: John-Stewart Gordon, Holger Burckhart, Paula Segler), in: Global Ethics and Moral Responsibility. Hans Jonas and His Critics (Eds.
John-Stewart Gordon, Holger Burckhart), Routledge 2014, 1-5
General Introduction (co-authored with: Wanda Teays and Alison Renteln), in: Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues (co-edited with: Wanda Teays, Alison
Renteln), Rowman & Littlefield 2014, 1-8
Uni I Introduction, in: Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues (co-edited with: Wanda Teays, Alison Renteln), Rowman & Littlefield 2014, 11-12
Uni II Introduction, in: Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues (co-edited with: Wanda Teays, Alison Renteln), Rowman & Littlefield 2014, 65-67
General Introduction (co-authored with: M. Bondio, F. Spöring, J.-S. Gordon), in: Medical Ethics, Prediction, and Prognosis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Eds. Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio, Francesco
Spöring, John-Stewart Gordon), Routledge 2017, 1-7
Einleitung, in: Hans Jonas. Zur Diskussion seiner Denkwege (Eds. Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, John-Stewart Gordon), Logos Verlag 2017, 7-10
Editorial, in: Ethics of
Ageing (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon), in: Bioethics, 32/4, 2018, 222
General Introduction (co-authored with Kestutis Mosakas), in: Smart
Technologies and Fundamental Rights (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon), Brill 2020, 1-13
Preface (co-authored with the other editors), in: Hans Jonas Handbook
(Eds. Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon, Jürgen
Nielsen-Sikora), J. B. Metzler 2021, VII-VIII
Editorial, in: AI and Law: Ethical, Legal, and Socio-political Implications (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon), in: AI & Society, 36/2, 2021, 403-404 [access SharedIt]
Editorial, in: Moral Expertise in (Bio-)Ethics (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon), in: Bioethics, 37/6, 2023, 513-514
General Introduction - The Future of Legal Education, in: Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies, Brill, 2023, 1-13
Bemerkungen zum Risikobegriff aus Sicht der Medizinethik (Remarks on The Notion of Risk in Medical Ethics), in: Radiotherapie bei gutartigen Erkrankungen
(Eds. Heinrich Seegenschmiedt, Franz Rödel, Oliver Micke): Münster 2008, 1-10
International Conference: Justice in Modern Health Care. Perspectives For The 21st Century, at: Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, BMBF-Junior Research
Group, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, 2011 March 28-30, Ethik in der Medizin, 23, 2011, 251-253